Thought for the day — Green Colour

Good Morning to all. Today let’s talk about the colour which dominant nature and arouse powerful emotions. The name of the colour is green colour. The green colour made off the assortment of blue colour and yellow colour.

All those, who’s favourite colour is green colour is the one who is cheerful, calm, optimistic, balance, and natural peacemaker. If I outline your personality in one utterance it would be down to earth.

The more insight about Green colour is as follows:-

1) Positive traits: – reliability, tranquillity, freshness, novelty, decision-making, advancement, fertility, uniqueness, wealth, good luck, promote love, hope, reliable, loyal, and so on.

2) Negative traits: — covetous, possessive, materialistic, greedy, jealousy, stagnation, cheapskate, inexperienced, lethargic, moody, and so on.

3) The green colour helps to reduce stress and make our nervous system relax.

5) The green colour helps in lessening the high blood pressure.

4) Being encircled by green colour help to live a longer life.

6) Green vegetables

a. It forms a large part of our diet and helps us to maintain our health.

b. It helps us to maintain our eye health

c. It helps us to remain youthful.

d. Consumption of green vegetables does not add to calories.

7) Several health care centres, schools and work environments use green colour in their decor.

8) The green colour aids us to rehabilitate mental clarity.

9) The green colour is used as a camouflage in the military.

10) As per Vastu Shastra: —

a. Paint kid’s room with light green shade. As per some researchers, Green colour can help in improving concentration and reading ability.

b. Pastel green colour paint in the bedroom can help to remove clashes in couples.

c. Green colour can be painted on the east wall of the home.

d. Green colour can be used for kitchen closets or countertops.

11) Facts: —

a. The green colour is the national colour of Ireland.

b. Green colour combined with red colour is the colour of Christmas.

c. The green colour is also related to Islam.

12) Phrases associated with Green Colour: —

a. Green Thumb: — skilful in gardening

b. Greener pastures: — favourable location or situation

c. Green around the gills: — to look sick or feel nauseates

I hope the above piece of information will be useful to you in some ways. Use the colour wisely and take its utmost benefits. Stay connected and will see you all on Sunday with some other subject.

Thank you.


Rekha Bisht

Published by Rekha Bisht

life mantra - "Explore self and surroundings age is no bar"

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